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Slack guidelines of Mercari.

Slack Guidelines


We use Slack as our company-wide communication tool in Mercari. The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure information about a project or team communication is done smoothly and efficiently.



Channel Rule

Channel Division Channel Name Channel’s purpose Example Attention
All channels #group-all
Announcements for all members ・About business/company-wide information
・About handling information(Security policy or news)
・Important announcements (Calibration/Compliance e-learning)
・Must write in JP&EN (exception: CS-based information) without posting the English translation inside the thread.
・Must add it to Merportal TODO list after the announcement (no need to post a reminder anymore)
・When all members must take action, mention @channel
・Use specific location-all channels if the announcement does not impact the whole group/company.
Notice for all members ・Study group
・Open door
・Town hall
・Internal feedback
・Small talk
・Notice must be in JP&EN (exception: CS-based information)
・Use specific location-all channels if the announcement does not impact the whole group/company
Team channels #group-XXX
Communication with team members ・Necessary communication for team operation ・When the information impacts the company, post to group channel
・JP means Mercari JP as an organization
  #group/hd/mk/ft/us/sz/logi-qa-XXX Receiving questions and requests ・Questions for one’s team
・Requests for one’s team
・When questions don’t contain personal information, use QA channel not DM
PJ channels #alert-XXX Emergency response ・ Incident report ・Don’t use thread in #alert-incident-report
  #pj-XXX Communication with project members ・Necessary communication for PJ operation ・When PJ is finished done, archive the channel
  #guest-XXX Communication/projects with external parties without the domain name “”
Examples: #guest-gcp #guest-github
・Necessary communication for PJ operation ・Keep in mind there are non-employees in the channel when posting messages
  #tmp-XXX Temporary communication ・Depends on the case ・When the project is finished, archive the channel
Personal channels #z-XXX Communication with people who share the same hobby/interest ・Club activities and topics of hobby ・Nothing
  #zp-XXX Personal tweet ・Depends on each person ・Nothing

Usage for Specific external people

If communicating on Slack is the most efficient option, make an account for specific non-employees.